What is LASIK?

LASIK – or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis – is a refractive procedure that changes the shape of your cornea so that light entering the eye travels directly to the retina. In doing so, it enables you to see more clearly.

First described in 1990, LASIK remains the most popular laser vision correction procedure in the world. LASIK’s key benefits are that it is fast, painless, and gives fast visual recovery.

Essentially, the procedure involves a special type of cutting laser, which is used to precisely change the shape of the dome-shaped clear tissue at the front of your eye – otherwise known as the cornea.

Why do we need to reshape your cornea?

A role of the cornea is to direct light towards your retina at the back of your eye. Your retina then sends electrical signals to your brain that tell you what you’re seeing.

The problem is that for many people, the dome shape is not perfect. So, when light enters the eye through the cornea, it’s thrown off target, and this affects clarity of vision.

By reshaping the cornea, eye surgeons can influence the path that light takes to reach the retina.

This fast and effective procedure can be used to treat near-sightedness (myopia); farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism and presbyopia (loss of reading vision).

Are there any side effects of LASIK?

Lasik is a commonly performed procedure but experience and technology are critical.  The most frequent problems that may occur are dry eye and possible future enhancement surgery.  Dry eye is common and needs to be managed before LASIK surgery.  Typically, eye drops are used for a few weeks to months after surgery by which time the dry eye will settle.

An enhancement – retreatment will be required in only 2 -3 % of patients and is an opportunity to further refine the vision.  This is normally done after 3 months if needed.

Am I suitable for LASIK?

While all these conditions can also be managed with glasses or contact lenses, these options are not ideal for many people – particularly those with active lifestyles.

To find out if you are suitable for LASIK, and to assess the most suitable option for your eyes,  call us on 02 8080 2180 to arrange an obligation-free consultation.